In 2022 Patrick Davis from Bangor Grammar School won a place on the Rotary Club Youth Leadership Programme. In 2023, it could be you!
Introduction to the Youth Leadership Competition
The Rotary Club of Bangor supports Rotary Ireland’s flagship competition and we would like to invite you to enter – TODAY!
The Youth Leadership Development Competition is one of Rotary’s longest-running youth projects, an all-Ireland annual event aimed at helping young people prepare for their future careers.
Why should you enter the Youth Leadership Competition?
There are three specific reasons you should enter the Youth Leadership Competition
You will gain valuable experience in the interview and selection procedure.
As a participant or winner, you will have a valued additional experience to add to your personal statement in your application for third-level education.
As a competition winner, you will have an opportunity in early 2023 to join with other like-minded young people at fully-funded events in Belfast and Dublin before flying to Strasbourg to take part in an exciting Euroscala Day
The Youth Leadership Competition rewards young people with clear leadership potential based on their extra-curricular activities.
It teaches interview skills, builds self-confidence and raises awareness of European Political and Policy issues.
The winners are judged solely on their potential as leaders from over 2,000 applicants across Ireland.
Downloads you require
Click to download your Application Form.
Click to download your Photo Permission Statement, (this statement should be downloaded, signed and returned attached to your Application Form).
Click to download the Rotary Privacy Statement.
Your Application Form can be completed by computer or hand-written.
Once you have completed your Application Forms, please check with your teacher whether it is being collected in school or emailed directly to the Rotary Club.
All entrants must be over 16 years of age on 20th January 2023 and less than 18 years of age on 31st March 2023.
How the Competition works
The Rotary Youth Leadership Competition is an all-Ireland competition run by individual Rotary Clubs. In Bangor we encourage nominations from all four secondary schools.
Each of the four secondary schools in Bangor is invited to nominate as many senior pupils as they choose to enter the Youth Leadership competition.
As an entrant you are asked to submit standard application forms, which illustrate your personal achievements to date, work and leadership experience and give examples of your planning and organisational skills.
Entrants must be 18 or younger on March 31 2023.
There are three stages to the competition
Stage One: In-school competition
You will be invited to an interview with a panel of experienced business people. During the 15 minute interview, you will be asked some questions about yourself, your experiences and extra-curricular activities and will have the opportunity to convince the interview panel that you should be chosen to represent your school at the next stage of the competition. (Interviews at your school )
Stage Two: Bangor Final
The winners of each of the in-school stage will be invited to a further interview with a different panel of interviewers. This panel will then choose the Bangor Winner. (Interviews held at Bangor Golf Club)
Stage Three: Zone Final
The Bangor Final Winner will be invited to represent our town at a Regional Zone Final. Here they will compete with the winners of other town finals and will once again undergo an interview. The winners of this Regional Zone Final will then join with 24 young leaders from across Ireland to enjoy the Zone Winners Trip. (Interviews location and dates to be decided).
Zone Winners Trip
Here’s what you’ll be competing for (dates in Spring 2023 to be confirmed)
All Zone winners meet in Belfast.
Students get to know each other and have an opportunity to work together.
Visit the Titanic Centre
Tour of Stormont Buildings; meet Assembly Members; visit the Chamber.
Bus to Dublin.
Tour of the Dáil; meet TD’s and visit the Chamber during Leaders Questions.
Travel to Strasbourg to attend Euroscala
Rotary Leaders will accompany the students during all these events.
All accommodation costs, meals, lunches, snacks, bus transfers and visits will be covered by Rotary Ireland.
Here is a short video from previous Zone Winners
An introduction to Rotary International
This is a basic introduction to Rotary International. You might be asked about your knowledge of Rotary during your interviews, so we recommend you take time to find out a lot more about our work. Google ‘Rotary International’ to find out more.
Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary’s people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.
Learn more about our structure and our foundation and our strategic vision.
What we do
Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 46,000+ clubs work together to:
- Promote peace
- Fight disease
- Provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
- Save mothers and children
- Support education
- Grow local economies
- Protect the environment
Our mission
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Vision statement
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Club Candidates
The Club participates by inviting schools to nominate for interview students who will be 18 or younger by March of the competition year (2023). They are asked to submit standard application forms, which illustrate their personal achievements to date, work and leadership experience and gave examples of their planning and organisational skills.
Members interview these candidates at each school and select those to go forward to a Club final where one is selected for the area Regional Final (of which there are eight) when three are selected to travel resulting in 24 finalists.
The Club thanks all members who give willingly of their time to carry out interviews. The competition would not be possible without their support.
The schools are all enthusiastic advocates of the competition and are well aware of the benefits to the students of both taking part and achieving success. We are particularly pleased that in recent years the Club’s nominees have often won a coveted Euroscola place against finalists of the highest calibre.
We are always delighted to welcome back to the Club the nominees to hear their report.