Business Meeting Minutes April 2024
Business Meeting Minutes – 3rd April 2024
Apologies : Paul Hatty, Gavin Walker, James O’Fee.
Approval of Minutes of 7th February 2024
- Proposed by : P.P. Richard Eaton Seconded by : P.P. Denis Neill
Matters Arising : Nothing raised.
Correspondence : ( Hon. Secretary Howard Davidson)
- ShelterBox Monthly Snippet (No. 11) regarding Gaza Appeal from Kerr Fulton-Peebles ( ShelterBox Rotary District Coordinator for Ireland )
- Email advising on District Council Meeting and Assembly Meeting on 20th April 2024 in Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, Dublin.
- Email about the District Conference in Dun Laoghaire on 27th – 29th September 2024.
Treasurer’s Report ( P.P. Paul Hatty) :
- Hon. Treasurer Paul was not in attendance . P.P. Richard Eaton queried the position regarding the Club’s current funds / A/c balances and 1 outstanding fee. Hon. Secretary Howard will request Hon. Treasurer Paul to follow up on the outstanding fee.
President’s Report :
- President Patrick conveyed thanks to Barbara Boyle and P.P. Raymond Boyd for coordinating the very good St. Patrick’s Night function in S.E.R.C. on 19th March 2024
President Elect’s Report :
- P.E. Bill advised that he and Hon. Secretary Howard are planning to attend the District Assembly meeting in Dublin on 20th April. P.E. Bill plans to talk to the incoming Team Leaders / Coordinators for 2024/2025 after the District Assembly Meeting.
Administration : ( Jack Watson ).
- Jack reported that he has now virtually all the historical ‘ bits and pieces ‘ which he was made aware of tidied up – i.e. : Minutes from 1952 to 2014 ( while not 100% complete ) now in 13 files. Three Visitors Books ( from 1968 to 1999 ) and a large number of Membership Applications ( for many years) along with Scrap Books and Framed Certificates ( e.g. for ShelterBox and Foundation contributions ) – these are all now placed in 3 large plastic containers currently stored in Jack’s garage. There are still some items in the Golf Club’s snooker room to be dealt with. The next steps regarding the storage of all these Rotary Club items to be decided upon – e.g. contact to be made with North Down Museum for assistance. It was proposed that a meeting should be held with Bangor Golf Club to discuss the relocation of Bangor Rotary Club’s storage cupboard and the relocation of the U.K. Prime Minister’s framed letter which is still in the 1st Floor meeting room in the Golf Club.
Fundraising ( Hon. Secretary . Howard Davidson)
- Smarties Tube Lenten collection – Past Pres. Robin is now collecting all funds raised from this appeal from Members, £362.80 has already been donated with some more donations awaited. Robin expressed his thanks to the Club Members for their generosity to this appeal.
- Past Pres. Margaret advised that she had received a donation of £100 from Honorary Member Nicola Hinds to be provided to either ShelterBox or Lend With Care. It was agreed that this donation should be contributed to Lend With Care. President Patrick is to convey the Club’s thanks for this donation to Nicola Hinds.
- A Shelter Box Charity collection will be undertaken jointly with Donaghadee and Belfast Rotary Clubs over the weekend of the 5th April to 7th April in Bloomfields Shopping Centre. Bangor Rotary Club will participate in this event on Saturday 6th April. 15 Members from Bangor Rotary Club have already confirmed their availability to assist with this collection on Saturday 6th April 2024. ( Kerr Fulton Peebles – Shelterbox Rotary District Coordinator for Ireland – has already provided a presentation to Bangor Rotary Club on ShelterBox (on 27th March 2024) .
- A charity quiz is scheduled to be held in Bangor Golf Club on Friday 26th April 2024. Seamus Bowler has agreed to act as Quiz Master . A prize draw and small auction will be undertaken on the night with the funds raised from this event to be donated to NI Childrens Hospice. Willis Cordiner has gratefully agreed to provide a wooden hand crafted coffee table ( made by himself ) for the auction on the night.
Membership ( P.P. James O’Fee ) :
- Nothing reported on membership.
Lend With Care (P.P. Margaret Francey) :
- P.P. Margaret advised that the A/c Balance is currently £15.96 cr. £100 was credited recently from the Club’s No 2 (Charity ) a/c with a further £100 to be credited in respect of Nicola Hinds’s generous donation. 3 more loans have been provided to (a) Cattle farmer in Vietnam- £45 (b) Chicken Farmer in Ecuador -£45 (c) Cereal Farmers in Togo – £30.
Service Projects ( P.P. James O’Fee) :
- Karen Douglas’s suggested that a Litter Pick ( part of the Big Spring Clean / Big Help Out in Bangor ) could be undertaken and supported by Rotary on Sunday 28th April 2024- Location : Banks Lane Carpark, Ballyholme at 9:30 a.m.- dependent tide conditions ( to be checked out ).
- Croft Bowling — Bill Keery is managing manage the Croft Bowling project scheduled to be held in Dundonald Ice Bowl on Thursday 2nd May 2024. P.P. Robin Mussen has sourced suitable medals and advised that Kathleen Gray will present a memorial trophy to the Winning team ( in memory of P.P. John Gray).
Volunteers are required from Bangor Rotary Club to assist with the running of this event.
Fun & Fellowship ( Rtn. Barbara Boyle )
- Barbara Boyle reported on the successful and enjoyable St Patrick’s Day Themed 5 course Dinner in S.E.R.C. on 19th March 2024. The entertainment provided was excellent and the agreed donation of £100 was provided to RNLI via The Raving Micks.
Any Other Business :
President Patrick advised that the cost of Bangor Rotary Club’s weekly meal in Bangor Golf Club has been increased to £13.
Submitted by Hon. Secretary Howard Davidson following approval at the Business Meeting held on 8th May 2024.