On Wednesday 10th April, representatives of three charities, Action Cancer, Macmillan Care and the Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice, attended the Rotary Club of Bangor’s weekly meeting to receive, from President Bill Aiken, cheques for £1500 each.
President Bill expressed his pleasure at the size of these donations and other amounts being presented to so many worthy causes. He thanked his fellow Rotarians for giving of their time and energy, to raise a total of some £10,000, over the past year.
Other charities to benefit from donations are; Arthritis Care NI, the Wildlife Trust NI, NI Transplant Sport, the Army Benevolent Fund, the Samaritans, Women’s Aid, the St. John’s Ambulance and ‘Black Santa’. A further donation will be made to Storehouse North Down, later in the year.
On the international scene the Club also donated to Polio Plus (for eradication of the disease), Shelterbox and the Sand Dams Project, for the provision of drinking water in Africa.