President Bill Aiken took the opportunity of the Christmas Party to announce the award of two new Paul Harris Fellowships to Past President Robin Mussen and Jack Watson.
President Bill said of the two Fellows “The first is to an excellent Rotarian in every respect, a former PP and great ambassador for our club here in Bangor. A person who is always at the front and never afraid to come up with new ideas or take on any task required of him – and who else but Robin Mussen.
“The second Paul Harris Fellowship goes to another excellent and valued Rotarian in our club. He is a former Hon Secretary and a person of significant stature not only within this club, but throughout many countries where his travels have taken him. He is a person… use an Ulster expression, who is not behind the door in sharing his opinions about the maintenance of the rotary ideal, and willingly takes on any task given. And of course, who else could it be but Jack Watson.