This week’s meeting happened to fall on Holocaust Memorial Day and between our two Past Presidents, Bill Aiken and James O’Fee, who look after recruiting speakers we had well known Belfast Jew Steven Jaffe as our guest speaker talking on the Jewish Community in Belfast.
There was an excellent turnout of 25 members and 3 guests who, as the result of Stephen’s enthralling talk, learnt a lot about the Jewish Community in Belfast over many years. The screen shots taken from the Zoom platform by PP Bill shows some of those in attendance and also Stephen himself.
Unfortunately, due to various reasons which Stephen elaborated on,the Jewish populations in the major cites in the UK are in decline. However it was the quality of some of those Jews who originated from Belfast as possibly second or third generation, and had gone on to become world leaders in their own fields, in politics, arts, engineering etc. which enthralled the listeners.
Stephen also refereed to the Jewish Millisle Farm and the part it played in housing a large number of Jewish children who were sent there by their parents in the late 30s due to the Nazi persecution of their parents.
He also referred to the prooposal to improve on the Jewish Tours of Belfast, after lockdown, starting from the Jaffe Fountain in the forecourt of the Victoria Centre in Belfast. Sounds like an interesting outing when life eventually gets back to normal.