To see who is on the Meet and Greet Team in any month – please click here.

Rotary Business Meeting on Zoom

Bangor Golf Club Broadway, BANGOR, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

What's on the agenda for the rest of winter and into spring? Come along and find out today


Rotary Meeting – Bangor Golf Club

Lunch: Roast Chicken Speaker: Colin Breen will speak on the final volume of his trilogy 'A Force Like No Other'.

Rotary Meeting – Bangor Golf Club

Bangor Golf Club Broadway, BANGOR, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Lunch: Roast beef Speaker: Marie-Therese Davis-Hanson on the joy and benefits of 'Sea Swimming' (togs and snorkels optional!)  


Rotary Meeting – Bangor Golf Club

Bangor Golf Club Broadway, BANGOR, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Speaker: Bishop Alan Abernethy who will speak on People on the Journey Lunch: Chicken Tempura, salad and chips


Rotary Meeting

Bangor Golf Club Broadway, BANGOR, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Andrew Davey, Regional Development Officer, Irish Football: Refereeing Football Lunch: Haddock and chips ,peas


Rotary Meeting

Bangor Golf Club Broadway, BANGOR, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Helen Sloan, Manager, Kiltonga Christian Centre: How Bangor is Welcoming Refugees and Asylum-seekers Lunch: Beef Stroganoff, Rice


Platinum Jubilee Tree Planting

Note from President Stephen To all Bangor Rotarians: The tree planting even will take place this coming Wednesday at 2.00 pm. As Patrick informed us last Wednesday, the area to be planted is right behind the Marquis Hall and adjacent to the grounds of Bangor Abbey. Patrick and I will be with the Deputy Mayor...

Rotary Meeting

Bangor Golf Club Broadway, BANGOR, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Speaker Lesley Crawshaw, Beach Cleaners Ards & North Down Lunch Roast Beef
