It is with great sadness that the Rotary Club of Bangor announces the passing of Edwin Dunlop, an outstanding member of the Club. Having joined in 1968 he had completed 55 years of dedicated service, adhering to the Rotary philosophy of Service Above Self.
From the outset Edwin quickly became immersed in the Club activities and indeed after a membership of only three years he became President. A notable achievement, amongst others, with assistance of another Club Rotarian, Wilson Ferguson, was the introduction of Probus Clubs to Ireland. Probus is a worldwide Rotary name which had been operating in England since 1965 providing a focal point for retired professional and business people to meet socially, usually on a weekly basis. Currently six of these Clubs are located locally, affiliated to the Rotary Club of Bangor. Edwin and Wilson then, over several years, increased the number of Probus Clubs throughout Ireland.
Edwin’s enthusiasm for Rotary was further recognised when he was appointed District Governor for Ireland in 1993. Having presided over a memorable District Conference in Galway he spent much of the Rotary year visiting Clubs and attending District meetings, often accompanied by his lovely wife, Pauline.
During his long Rotary life Edwin had, at times, responsibilities within each section of the Rotary International structure :-
District Probus Extension Officer
Rotary International in Britain and Ireland Youth Exchange Committee 1994/95
Rotary International Foundation Permanent Fund, National Adviser 1999/2003
The founder of Rotary was Paul Harris, of Chicago, a Rotarian who saw a wider picture and whose name became associated with rewards for service, namely a Paul Harris Fellowship, awarded to outstanding Rotarians. Edwin received two of these and indeed a Fellowship was awarded to Pauline for the support she gave to her husband travelling with him on his Rotary duties over many years.
Additionally, whilst holding the office of Permanent Fund National Adviser Edwin became the District’s second Major Donor.
A memorable Rotarian he will be sadly missed by his Club and by so many with whom he had a special relationship.